Sunday 8 April 2018

5 Ways to Celebrate the Annunciation

Don't forget:  This year the Annunciation has been moved.


Because the Annunciation always falls on March 25, exactly nine months before the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas unless March 25 falls on a Sunday of Lent, during Holy Week, or during the octave of Easter. Then, the date of the Annunciation is moved.

When is it moved to and why?

The Church considers Masses for the Sundays of Lent, any time during Holy Week, and any time from Easter through the Sunday after Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) to be so important that even the Marian feast of the Annunciation cannot replace any of them. So, when the Annunciation falls on a Sunday in Lent (before Palm Sunday), it is transferred to the following Monday. If it falls on Palm Sunday or on any day in Holy Week, it is transferred to Low Monday, the Monday after the Sunday after Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday).

So how can we celebrate?

(1)  Go to Mass, of course! 

Mary's "yes" to God made way for Jesus to come to Earth as a person.  Our "yes" to God by participating in Mass allows Him to come to us in the Eucharist.  The Annunciation may not be a Holy Day of Obligation, but it most certainly is a perfect day to make an extra effort to get to Mass.

(2)  Pray the Rosary - or at least a decade of it. 

The youtube version above has some lovely artworks of the Annunciation included in it. A Cookie Rosary can offer ideal symbolism: 
For, the Annunciation forecasts the blessed event of the Nativity of Christ, thereby illustrating the cyclical nature of the liturgical year. The circular shape of the cookies can remind us of the cycle of the Liturgical year as well as the endless love of Christ for us.  (A circle has no beginning or end; it just keeps going around!)

If you young ones have trouble with the Rosary, maybe some of the strategies I have used in the past can help you.

(3)  Respect life! 

This feast is an important one in the defense of life, for God loved us so much that He became on of us, taking on our human nature by becoming an innocent, completely dependent infant.  Honor that by teaching children (and adults!) about the high value God places on human life.  Pray for the unborn.  Offer time, talent, or treasure to a friend or stranger that is with child.  You could even get crafty, decorating bibs and onesies for newborns.

{Disclosure: Some of the links that follow are affiliate ones.  Should you click through them and make any purchase, we may receive compensation at no extra cost to you.}
Or, you could enjoy some pro-life books with your children.  Some favorites of ours are:

We also enjoy The Altar Gang's Skif and AJ's Fantastic Voyage- a favorite fun pro-life DVD!

(4)  Paint a Peg Doll.

A friend of ours painted a lovely Annunciation peg doll as part of a Marian Swap we did.  The doll even contains lilies (symbolic of the Virgin's purity) and an open Bible (symbolic of the Isiah 7:14 prophesy).

(5)  Put together a last-minute treat and story time.

We did this last year and it turned out beautifully!  Stories, treats, prayers, even art study! 

O God, who willed that your Word should take on the reality of human flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, grant, we pray, that we, who confess our Redeemer to be God and man, may merit to become partakers even in his divine nature. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
~Collect Prayer

Have a blessed Feast of the Annunciation!


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