Sunday 17 June 2018

A Father's Day Prayer

Several different church bulletins from today, I know, had this prayer in them:

God and Father of all creation, we come before you today with humble hearts. 
You are our model of a loving father. 
When we fail and fall short of your expectations, you are always there at the end of the day with open arms, ready to heal the cuts and scrapes of the day and to encourage us to try again and not to give up. 
We hold up these men in our midst who act in the world as fathers to their children or models of fathers for others. 
Bless them in their moments of doubt and frustration with their children. Give them warm and open hearts to forgive failures. Provide them with the words needed for encouragement and perseverance. 
We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

I have to say, I love this prayer! 

I also love how my husband loves our children.

Indeed, today, he wanted nothing more for Father' Day than to have each child spend an hour of 1:1 time with him doing whatever they wished and, then, all of us spending some time at a beach.

Witnessing my husband's true desire to follow the passions of his children - and to fumble and fail, as well as laugh and love alongside them - made me so appreciative. It also made me think of how our Father in Heaven must love when we invite Him into our days, spending focused time with Him.

I am so grateful for my husband's love for our children and, more so, for Our Father's love for us.

Our Father in Heaven, thank you!


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