Sunday 24 June 2018

Our Newest Altar Server!

Who served on the altar for the first time ever on his Name Day?

This young man did!

And, who trained him?

Big Brother, of course.

When Children Play

Well, really, Big Brother and Big Sister have been training him at home for years... playing Mass periodically in our living room.

However, once Jack received his First Holy Communion, Big Brother, another veteran altar server, and one of our wonderful parish priests offered him and the other altar server's little brother two sessions of formal training.  Then, today, they all served together at Mass.

It was beautiful! Or, in our newest altar server's words,
"That was super, super, super, super, super, super fun!"

Yes, folks, FUN!  Jack said it.  Luke agreed.

So, take heart!  If you've ever had a child that made getting through Mass with peace and prayer challenging, trust that child can change.  Miracles can happen! The opportunity to serve God through being an altar boy can make such a difference in a young child's life.  And, then, that child can grow from this:

Miracles Do Happen

A novice altar server who makes Mom and Dad equally happy and nervous.

To this:

A veteran altar server that was delighted to train his younger brother!

Our Lord invites us to love and to serve.  May we all have as much joy in doing so as our newest altar server does!


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