Sunday, 29 July 2018

Get Ideas for 8 Marian Apparition Peg Doll Sets

Are you interested in Marian apparitions? Do you like painting peg dolls?

Then, you might enjoy taking a closer look at the beautiful work done by families in a recent Marian Apparition Peg Doll Set Swap that I participated in.


Our Lady of Banneux (Feast: January 15) & Mariette Beco

Between January 15 and March 2, 1933, Mariette Beco reported to her family and parish priest that she had been seeing a Lady in white who declared herself to be the "Virgin of the Poor", saying, "I come to relieve suffering and believe in me and I will believe in you."  The Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary has more information. 

Source: Amazon

Along with putting out our new pegs on Our Lady of Banneaux's feast day, my children and I will also be reading our copy of the Our Lady of Banneaux Coloring Book.


Our Lady of Pontmain/Hope 
(Feast: January 17), Eugene Barbadette, & Joseph Barbadette

Brothers Eugene and Joseph Barbadette saw the apparition of Our Lady of Pontmain, also known as Our Lady of Hope, on January 17, 1871 at the height of the Franco-Prussian War. At that time, Mar gave the message, "Pray, my children, God will answer before long.  My son lets himself be moved." The Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary has more information.  

Source: Amazon

In January, I look forward to reading our copy of Our Lady of Pontmain to learn more about this apparition with my children.


Our Lady of Lourdes (Feast: 
February 11) & Saint Bernadette (Feast: April 16)

Our Lady of Lourdes first appeared to Bernadette Soubirous on February 11, 1858.  You can read more about the series of apparitions that followed, including a summary of Our Lady's message at Lourdes, at Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Source: Amazon

Our family has read a number of articles and watched several movies about Our Lady of Lourdes and Saint Bernadette.  This year, we hope to read a library copy of Bernadette: Our Lady's Little Servant.

Source: Amazon

Or, Saint Bernadette Soubirous: And Our Lady of Lourdes.

Source: Amazon

Or, Saint Bernadette: the Little Girl of Lourdes.  We are lucky to have access to such wonderful books in our greater library network.

Source: Amazon

Also, I believe we have a used copy of the out-of-print Our Lady of Lourdes Coloring Book somewhere.  If we don't, I'd love to find one at a reasonable cost.

Source: Holy Heroes

I am also hoping St. Nicholas brings the new Holy Heroes Saint Bernadette Soubrious CD to us.

Source: Training Happy Hearts

If you're celebrating, too, you might consider having an 
Our Lady of Lourdes Poet-Tea like we did in the past.

Source: Training Happy Hearts

Or, you could play our All Saints Day Build-a-Grotto for Mary game!

Source: Amazon

Our family always enjoys watching Bernadette, Princess of Lourdes, too.


Our Lady of Fatima (Feast: May 13), Servant of God Sister Lucia de Jesus, Saint Francisco Marto, & Saint Jacinta Marto , (Feast: February 20)

Our Lady of Fatima first appeared to three young shepherd children on May 13, 1917 and continued to appear through October of the same year. During these appearances, Our Lady offered several messages.  You can read more about the series of apparitions at Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

My children and I have read a number of books and watched several movies about this apparition.  One we enjoyed was The Children Of Fatima: And Our Lady's Message to the World.

Source: Amazon

This year, we may read a library copy of Our Lady Came to Fatima.

Source: Training Happy Hearts

We will also likely revisit our Our Lady of Fatima copywork.

Source: Holy Heroes

Plus, if I can find our copy, we will listen to our copy of Secrets from Heaven: The Story of the Children of Fatima again.  (This audio is also available as a digital download/MP3.)

Source: Amazon

We might also revisit the brief 1960's version of the Story of Fatima in our copy of Jesus and Mary.

Source: Amazon

Finally, we will likely watch our copy of The Day the Sun Danced: The True Story of Fatima.

In the past, we have honored Our Lady of Fatima's feast day by making simple paper Marian baskets as an act of service.  You might like to do this, too.

You could also make mini-Mary Gardens


Our Lady of Laus (Feast: August 13) & Benoite Rencurel

Apparitions of Our Lady of Laus, Refuge of Sinners, took place between 1664 and 1718 in France and were seen by a young sheperdess named Benoite Recurel.  During the apparitions, Mary revealed herself as the reconciler and refuge of sinners and offered sign to convince them of the need to repent. You can read more about it at Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Source: Amazon

I have yet to find a children's book about Our Lady of Laus, but this book looks worthwhile.


Our Lady of LaSalette (Feast: September 19), Maximin Giraud, & Melanie Calvat 

On September 19, 1846 our Lady appeared to two shepherd children with a message of reconciliation.  You can read more abut the apparition at Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Near Our Lady of LaSalette's feast day, we will be reading our copy of The Children of LaSalette.

Source: Amazon

I believe I also have a copy of the Our Lady of La Salette Coloring Book: A Catholic Story Coloring Book which we can read.

Of course, since we live close to the National Shrine of Our Lady of LaSalette, we'll likely visit there, too!


Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Feast: November 27) & Saint Catherine Laboure Feast: November 28)

Saint Catherine Laboure first saw an apparition of Our Lady on July 19, 1830, and continued to have visions of her.  You can read more about the apparitions on Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Source: Amazon

I think we have an old used copy of the now out-of-print Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Coloring Book, so we'll read that, too.


Our Lady of Guadalupe (Feast: December 12) & Saint Juan Diego (Feast: December 9)

Saint Juan Diego first saw an apparition of Our Lady in 1531.  You can read more about the apparitions on Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Source: Amazon

I wish I had a copy of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Coloring Book.  I do not, but I do have loads of related resources in our home collection and in our local library system.  So, we'll be revisiting some old favorites this year.

Source: Holy Heroes

One is the Saint Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe Glory Story that my kids like to listen to.

Source: Training Happy Hearts

You might like to try an instant challenge like we did.

Source: Training Happy Hearts

Or watch this video and do some science.  

There are just so many ways to observe this awesome Marian feast day!

More Peg Doll Posts

You might enjoy our other peg doll posts:

Source: Training Happy Hearts

Source: Training Happy Hearts
Source: Training Happy Hearts

Please share your recommended reads, favorite prayers, must-have resources, and meaningful activities for celebrating Marian feast days with us, too. I am eager to focus on them this year as we live, learn, love, and grow in faith.

Our Lady, pray for us.

Martianne Stanger/Training Happy Hearts is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to  This post also contains affilaite links to Holy Heroes.


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